புதன், 18 செப்டம்பர், 2024

                                                     Colonel Tornado-6.

                        All ranks of M E G & Centre had started realising that a different type of officer had come to command Training Battalion-1.The Commanding Officer was specially selecetd for conducting President of India's Colour Presentation parade which went of very well on 02 March 1990.

              Training Battalion-1 of M E G & Centre is a vantage battalion drawing attention of every visitor to M E G. Colonel Ganesan had come after commanding 4 Engineer Regiment for three years and ther after being India's mission leader to Antarctica.So he was clear in his mind about producing the best soldiers of M E G.He did not compromise any part of soldier training.Recruits are to be attested with in 52 weeks and Police verification of their character  etc are primary requirement for attestation.

                      Ganesan Found that recruits who are in 60 th and 65 th week of training are continuing with out attestation and no one appears to have understood  the seriousness of this.After imparting weapon training ,explosive handling and mine warfare if the police verification comes as negative and unsuitable for Army,we cannot retain hin in Army.when we discharge him as unsuitable for Army, he becomes ideal cadidate fot Anti national activities.

  The Colenel drafted a strong letter to all Superintendent of police that they will be abetting this crime as they had not taken immediate action.About 50 recruits were immediately despatched to their native place with  that letter.No wonder that within a week all police verification done and recruits were attested.

                Durring such all round drive to produce best recruits,the colonel was working rest less.One day he was returning to Battalion after lunch at about 15.00 hrs.In the Battalion area ,he found a recruit running arround in swimming trunk and two N C O s were chassing him to catch.The colonel stopped and cought the Recruit.The N C O explained that there is swimming class for the recruits and this boy is scarred of entering water and is running away.Colonel ordered all to come to swimming pool.

                                           The Colonel on the Diving board.

                     There he had ordered one of the N C O to bring a street dog.The recruit was told to identify the dog.There after one N C O  lifetd the dog and was ordered to throw the dog into the wsimming poll.The dog swam and ran away.Colnel asked the recruit whether he is inferior to even the dog.The dog swam with out any training.Here two N C O s are there to teach you swimming.why you are scarred.Come on!. get into the shallow portion of the pool.The recruit slowly got into the pool and started learning swimming.The Colonel left the place.

             It might have been about 30 years since then.The Colonel retired from Army and was staying in Chennai.On one fine morning a stranger came to Colonel's house with a fruit basket and greeted the Colonel.The stranger introduced himself as Sub &Hon Lt Ramadass (name changed ).Colonel suddenly remembered the name and the swimming pool incident.Yes ! It was the same recruit who was scarred of entering water.

                      How is this transformation has taken place ? Sub Ramadass with tears rolling explained the changes.After the swimming pool incident ,it was a big blow to his imagined psycho and completely changed his attitude in life.For the last 30 years he had been thinking of the Colonel's blast at the swimming pool which was driving him hard to this level of Sobedar & Hon Lt  and he retired last moth.For the last one month he had been trying to find the where about of Colonel Ganesan and today his  prayers of 30 years had been fullfilled.

               Colonel stood silently seeing the product of his contribution.

         That is how the name "Colonel Tornado " struck him strongly.

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