ஞாயிறு, 15 செப்டம்பர், 2024

                                                    Colonel Tornado-5

                      "Jai hind Saheb ". As the company commander and his Subedar were walking through the lines,a jawan greeted them.The officer returned the salute and was moving ahead.The Subedar was explaining that the jawan had gone on two months annual  leave but returned to unit with in a week.On hearing this the officer stopped there itself and looked at the jawan.Then  he asked the J CO to explain in detail.without any  exitement,he very casually told that jawans generally hail from poor family where they may not have even full three meals.So after meeting their kith and kin they sometimes return to unit where they have good food.

              The officer did not accept the JCO version and ordered to bing the jawan for interview on the next day.The jawan by name Nageswar Rao was brought on interview.He was literelly shivering as if he had committed an offence.The officer took some time to put him ease and asked him the reason for not availing full leave.After coaxing him for sometime,he had opened his mouth.

                        It seems that there was some long standing dispute with their neighbour in the village and that erupted again when he went on leave.Their neighbour who was in Andra police took matter seriously beat his brother and put him in lockup.Our jawan was afraid and ran back to unit.our Subedar without going into the detail concluded himself that our jawan came back out of poverty.

              The Officer had a hearty laugh and assured the jawan that all necessary help will be given.He ordered a team of five headed by a JCO including the jawan would go to his village and get correct details including postal address of District Collector and Supdt of Police.The team returned after a week and what the jawan had stated was correct.

                   The officer drafted a long latter to the district collector.Since the officer hails from an agriculture environment there was no delay in understanding jawan's problem.The small irrigation canal was running through the neighbour's land into our jawans land.The neighbour felt that all manure etc are getting drained into our jawan's land and hence he remeved the canal bunds and merged with his land.Our jawan's land was not getting water for irrigation.

              Irrigation and agriculture has to be progressed with full co-operation of all.When there is heavy rain and flood no one can say my field shoud not get flood.So the officer drafted a vey emotional letter of soldiering and agriculture to the Collector and sought his personnel intervention in solving this.Our jawan continued his stay in the unit.

               After about two months the officer got a reply from the collector that the jawan's problem had been solved.The officer ordered the same team to go  back to vilaage and check.If the jawan is satisfied ,he will continue to stay fresh two moths leave.The team less the jawan returned with excellent news.

                 On receipt of the letter the collector along with his revenue offivials inspected the site.He immediately released our jawans brother from lockup and suspended the Andra police fellow.The land reclamation was done with proper irrigation canal and noted in revenue records so that no such dispute comes up again.

                  On arrival of our team at the Railway station for the second time the entire village turned up with Band and garlands to greet our jawan .They took  them arround the village to demonstrate the respect they give to Army.

                     After a lapse of about 10 years ,lot many changes had taken place.The officer was invited for the silver jublee function of the Regimet to Allahabad.There in an casual evening the officer was walking in civil dress.some standby jawan said "Jai hind saheb". Oh ! Jai hind thambi, "I had left about 10 years before, can you still recognise me.what is your name ?

                "Saheb,as an Officer ,you might come across thousands of jawans.But a jawan like me very rarely come across God in human form .How can I forget you Saheb.I am same Andra jawan Nageswar Rao whom you had helpd in restoring our agriculture .I only keep youe photo in our Puja room Saheb "

                      Oh ! No thambi.I only did my duty.Don't elevate me to that level.

               The officer who was nick named as "Colonel Tornado "later smilingly walks away 

Tornado  will continue.


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