வெள்ளி, 11 அக்டோபர், 2024

                                                         A   Different Mould.

Served with Pride & Retired with Honour

          Commissioned;03 May 1964-Retired 31 July 1994.

                                   Comments from Mr. Harihara  subramanaian, 

                                    Managing Director,"Indian Institute of Governance."

Was reading a few pages starting from your marriage to u taking over the Lt.col position in Leh.
I am not that amazed at your disciplined mind because it its extensive and passionate working with one of the finest Army in the World,but truly amazed to see your narrative flowing like Ganges.
Like in a river you take bath at one point or stretch of it and happily tell the world that I bathed in Ganges,take any page and read it gives the pleasure of going through the entire book.
In your previous birth u should have been a Patriotic writer,may be rubbing shoulders with MahaKavi and the like.
U are a measure of what this Great India is.
U will run a State or a Country in the event of another birth.


                       The Accidental Military Officer.

                It was some time in 1941 one and half year old male child was having a serious problem of life and death. The illiterate parents in a remote village in Tamilnadu had no option but  to depend upon the village herbal treatment and of course sincere and honest prayer to God.

                              At that time ,the mother with that sick child in hand came to know that she is conceived again.She was literally crying in front of all temples that at least the conceived child should be very healthy and noble in nature to compensate all the pain and problems she is now undergoing The time rolled on.The sick child recovered and grew to be most intelligent boy of that time breaking many records at different educational institutions.

                      The mother's tearful prayers were answered.A male child was born to her on 01 December 1942.He was one of the most active and every action of his was in different style.As years rolled on ,he had proved to the world that he was cast in different mould. To day ,he is identified as Colonel Pavadai Ganesan,a trend setter in the present time.

             This quote and lot many such quotes from Tamil litratures impressed Ganesan from very young age and started following a spiritual path which was less travelled by many youth.Because of such mental setup,he threw his salary into the flowing river and resigned his PWD appoitment as junior Engineer.Accidentally he became an Army Officer in the Indian Army.

               To cut short the long story,we will highlight only his activities as commanding officer of 4 Engineer Regiment.The readers should keep in mind that Ganesan had come to this world with Divine Blessings.On promotion to the rank of selection grade Lt Col,he was denied Command and was posted as S O-1 in Chief Engineer Delhi zone.All his friends and well wishers were wondering that "What is happening in Indian Army" as a fittest officer to command engineer Regiment is being wasted out in works.That is the time,the Divine force came into play. As a miracle,an overnight posting order was issued posting Ganesan as Commanding Officer,4 Engineer Regiment. Ganesan reported to 5 Mountain Division and took charge as Div Engineer Regiment Commanding Officer on 07 Nov 1984.

            Incidentally,Ganesan had brought the Advance party of 4 E R in oct 1983 to 5 Mountain Div as Major, and left Arunachal Pradesh in March 1983. So ,the new assignment  was a cake walk for him.

                    Ganesan  was commissioned in 44 Field Park Company in 1964 and was part of the team during Re organisation of Engineer Regiment and formation of 4 Engineer Regiment.Since then he had been repeatedly coming to 4 E R on different times.Now he is at the helm of  affairs.

Demonstration of Officership -1

                  This is the time that he can write his name in indelible mark in the history of the Regiment.All ranks of the Regiment were aware of Ganesan's style of working.One of the Field company was tasked to retrieve flash flood washed Bailley equipments and donate a foot bridge across Tenga Chu to the people of Tenga. when G O C was requested to inaugurate the foot bridge, Ganesan was shocked .The G O C said,"Ganesan,I don't like buttering.,You can get lost and declare open the foot bridge."With out any hesitation Ganesan replied,Sir,I am a Non -Psc Officer selected to command Div Engineer Regiment .I am sorry if I had hurt your feelings.This will not happen again. Ganesan never met him again without his calling.

                          Ganesan,had trained the Regiment  fit for war in high altitude.They were out standing in physical fitness which was proved in G O C's Annual Adm Inspection.The Inspection report said "An Engineer Regiment,tougher than an Infantry Battalion.They almost won all sports events and the Commanding officer Col Ganesan was a playing member of Basketball team.

                     During the last few days before Ganesan's taking over,an incident happened in  the Regiment. During "OP Alert "of moving to OP Location in high altitude,a jawan went missing at 13,000 feet.The court of enquiry presided by a Brigade Commander,declered him Deserter and the G O C countersigned the proceedings. When Ganesan took over ,the file reached him for further action.

                            Ganesan went through the file.Next day he claimed the hills to see the site himself.It is unbelievable  that after a day long climb with terrible leg pain ,the jawan could have run away.It was remote area in chineese border.Local enquiry reveals that even chineese spy spread in border village could have kidnapped him.

                        The first thing is to declare the jawan as "Missing "instead of "Deserter ".So Ganesan wrote an application to "Adjutant General " of the Indian Army explaining the situation and the file was returned through proper channel.The G O C who counter signed the proceedings felt that is an insult to him.Obviously he blasted Ganesan. But  since it was addressed to Adjt Gen,he could not hold it.The file went through,Corps,Command and Reached AHQ.

                   Readers must remember that officers promotions are mostly based on confidential report and most of the officers try to please their superior and get over rated confidential reports.But Ganesan did not bother about confidential report as that was the responsibility of initiating officer.He had a bitter experience of roughing with his Commanding officer earlier in life.So now he himself being a commanding officer ,he wanted to demonstrate to future generation about "Officership in the Indian Army "

                    It was great blessings for Ganesan as file came back from A H Q with the remarks,"The Adjt Gen agrees with the Commanding officer.The jawan should be declared "Missing",and proceedings may be corrected accordingly. 

Another  incident.

                   The Regiment was ordered to move to Udhampur in April 1985.Accordingly an advance party was sent.The leave party from Tenga (Arunachal pradesh )will proceed to down south and report to udhampur (J & k ) on expry of leave.Generally the main body moves with in three months of Advance party moving.But unfortunetely it didnot happen.Every moth the strength at Tega was reducing causing administrative problems.At that time Gen Sunderji took over as C O A .In the meantime 5 Mountain Div called for "OP Aert " forcing all units to move to op location.This situation demanded calling back personnel from Udampur to Tenga.So Ganesan wrote a DO to Chief of Army staff reqwuesting him to intimate exact date of move of Regiment.The Army knows that Gen Sunderji is a tough officer.He promptly replied that Regiment will move on 26 Dec 1985.There is no wonder that 4 Engineer Regiment moved out of Tenga with Royal guide of a Brigadier from Eastern command. 

Demonstration of Officership-2

       The  Regiment moved out to "Udhampur " in 1986 and came under "Northern command Reserve "Once the Regiment was asked to detail two life savers at the "Chinar swimmimg club"Ganesan detailed two good weimmers and expressed that there is no life savers but goo swimmers are being detailed.
              As bad luck ,with in few days  there was a death in the swimming pool.The higher authorities had conducted a  C of  I and blammed 4 E R jawan .Letter came to Regiment directing to take diciplinery action against the jawan.Ganesan replied that a summery of evidence had been coducted.On the day of incident there were 13 Officers and 12 children in the swimming pool.There was no alarm of drowning from any one.when the younger sister of the deceased boy reported that her brother is not seen anywhere ,the swimmer searched and brought the body from deep water under the diving board.
                  Under these circumstances,the jawan has not commited any offence.Hence no diciplinery action could be taken.However the swimmers were warned to be extra carefull in future.
                 After few days, Some senior officers passed a remark ,"There are 14  units in and arround this station;An Officer worth calling as Commanding officer is Colonel Ganesan.No wonder that the Army Commender Northern Commannd invited Colonel Ganesan for a cup of Tea on Ganesan leaving the Regiment on National mission as India's Antarctic Station Commander in 1987.

Demonstration of Officership -3
      Colonel Ganesan's  Antarctic service from Nov 1987 to Mar 1989 is full of adventure activities which all members of India's 5 th winter team will acknowledge.There are seperate books written on that.On return from ANTARCTICA Ganesan was posted as Battalion Commander in M E G &Centre Bangalore.
             MEG came into existence in 1780.For the first time in 1990,President of India was to present "Colours ".Ganesan was brought in as the Parade commander.During the rehearsal time the Christian Relegeous teacher refused to spell out his prayer as it was against their faith.However the parade went on well.    After the parade Ganesan called the RT JCO to office.He came in the priest's cassock.Ganesan directed him that he is a junior commissioned officer, and in places other than church,he should be in Army uniform.So  colonel directed him to come in uniform next day.But to every one surprise,the RT JCO next day also came in the same cassock.Colonel  told the JCO that it is disobedience of order and asked for reason.The JCO's reply was like an explosion to colonel.The JCO cooly replied that he had sold the uniform and other army materials which are not required for him as he is a relegeous teacher.Colnel  explained to the JCO that there is no alternative other thar than court martial the JCO and punish him.The Colonel discussed about the seriousness of the case with higher authorities.The JCO was asked to resign his commission which will have to be approved by Army commander.With in two-three days the RT JCO was thrown out of Army.
                     Regular Commissioned officers  who joins the Army with great aspiration to become future Generals will always soft pedal serious military offences and try to please every one  and make use of their appointments as a launching pad for further promotions.Colonel Ganesan ,having learnt about Officer's role in the Army made sure that his appoitments will be demonstrative performance of Officership in the Army. 

            Demonstration of Officership-4

                                 Training of Recruits should be imparted by well qualified instructors.Training centres are generally located in good cities with other developed infrastructures.Army personnel who have medical,Educational and other requirements for their kith and kin seek peace station postings are some time posted to Training centres.These personnel were some time employed to take Recruit platoons.This is like giving a vehicle to a person who does not have driving licence. 
             Military training of recruits are to be handled to improve their physical,mental and psychological outlook.Patriotism,comeraderie,loyalty and integrity are to be imbibed step by step.Soldiers are not only subject to Indian Penel Code but also governed by Army act and regulations.
                 All officers posted to Training centres may or maynot be expert in all these fields of training.But Ganesan by nature was deeply interested in all these.When he was in Training centre ,he was more concerned about well being of vabout 2500 all ranks in the Battallion than his own children.
               Once he was returning to Battalion after lunch at about 3.00 oclock in the afternoon.As he was approaching the office,he saw a recruit running arround in swimming trunk and two NCOs were chassing him to catch.Ganesan stopped and caught hold of the recruit.The senior NCO explained that it was swimming training for recruits and that boy was scared of entering water and running away.
                   Ganesan ordered all to come to swimming pool along with the recruit.There at the swimming pool Ganesan told one of the NCO to bring a street dog.The recruit identified the dog. After that Ganesan ordered the NCO to throwthe dog into the swimming pool.The dog swam and ranaway.Ganesan asked the recruit that the dog without any training swam and ranaway.Here there are instructors to train you and protect you in case of any danger.Are you inferior to that dog ?. Come on ! Get into the the shallow water.The recruit slowlygot into the swimmimg pool.Ganesan left the place.
               It might have been about 30 years since that incident.Colonel Ganesan retired long time before and settled in Chennai.On one fine morning a stranger came to his house and greeted him with flowers and fruits.Ganesan was not knowing who he is ? .That stranger identified himself as Subedar & Hon Lieutinent Ramalingam (Name changed.) Th rank and the name  suddely made a flash in Ganesan's mind.It vwas the same recruit who was scared of entering the swimming pool.
           How this transformation took place. ? . Ramalingam explained.Sir,after the swimming pool incident I could not sleep well for many days.All the golden opportunities which I lost in the past kept on thundering me because of my fear and inferiority complex.All such things were blown off by you on that day.I was reborn with fresh energy and enthusisam.Almost every day for the past 30 years I was recollecting that incident and energysing myself to emulate you in life.That is what I am today.My pension is about Rs.40,000/pm.It is your gift to me. After my retiremet about two months before I had been searching about your whereabouts.Yesterday I came here and confirmed your presence.To day  my prayers were fullfilled.But for you my life would have been different.My entire generation will be debted to you sir.
                      Subedar & Hon Lieutinent left and keeps meeting Colonel Ganesan now and then.

Demonstration of Officership -5

               The appointments held by Colonel Ganesan is not new to officers.But his functioning is unique un earthing many hidden/fogotten informations.He came to MEG in 1989 especially brought in for President's Colour Presentation which was scheduledfor 02 March 1990.The parade went on well.
               Sub Subramaian was killed in second world war  on 24 Feb 1944 and was first Indian to be awarded Georgr cross posthmusly.

                                             George cross being presented to Mrs Subramanian

Since then every year that day was remembered by JCOs of MEG as Sub Subramanyam day.For such a day in 1991 the senior most JCO approached Colonel Ganesan for organising a grand show.Colonel Ganesan agreed with the JCOs and wanted more information about Subramanian's familyand gave three days time to get it.
               On the third day the JCO came empty handed .He said that they have no information about Sub Subramanian other than that he belongs to "Keela othiwakkam "village near kanceepuram.There is noinformation about his wife and children.As they were running short of time ,the JCO urged Colonel Ganesan to decide about the programme of events for 24 Feb.
Ganesan opened the table drawer and took out a cover.He pulled about 10 photographs, all belonging to Sub Subramanian.The JCO was wonder struck and was looking the photographs with wide opened eyes.He asked Colonel,how could he get them.? Colonel  Ganesan  replied," He himself went to Keela othiwakkam with a camera ,met all relatives of Subramanian,then went to Chennai ,met subramaian's son and invited him for the services on 24 Feb.

              For 46 years the JCOs of MEG had been doing just lip service and Officers were blindly acklowledging it.It requires an Officer like Ganesan to unearth the detail.

Demonstration of Officership-6 

                All ranks  of MEG both in direct contact with Colonel Ganesan and all those who heard about him in the entire Army circle started appreciating Ganesan's Officer like qualities and his selfless service.
          Under these circumstances once Ganesan received an inland letter written by an unknown JCO/Clerk.The JCO had putin about 26 years service and his entire sevice had been in farflung areas like Ladakh,Arunachal pradesh,silchar,and Lido.Presently he was in Vizakapattinam .The JCO had written to Officer in charge Records for his last leg posting.Sice he belongs to Coorg,a posting to MEG would serve the purpose.But Records issued posting order posting him to Delhi and stated that Vizag was his south posting.The JCO felt that was unfair.Some one might have told him about Colonel Ganesan and presently he being in MEG.So the JCO wrote to Ganesan with an applogy for bringing to his notice.
                   After going through the details of his 26 years service,Ganesan also felt that it was unfair to deny the JCO a Bangalore posting.So on one fine morning Ganesan just walked into Senior Record officer's office.The SRO ,a good friend of Ganesan felt little un easy as to why Colonel Ganesan had come there.Without any conversation,Ganesan simply hander over the JCO/Cerk's letter.The SRO after going through the letter simply regreted that his office had committed a mistake and the JCO will be posted to MEG.Colonel Ganesan thanked him and walked back.
              After a few days,the Sub Maj of Training Battalion-1 told Colonel Ganesan that a JCO had been coming daily to meet the Colonel,but could not meet because of busy schedule of Ganesan.Ganesan felt bad ,why an unknown JCO coming daily and waiting to meet him.So he immediately called the JCO and asked him who he was and why he wants to meet him.It was the JCO/Clerk who wrote to Colonel Ganesan about his posting.Now he had joined in MEG,Records and wanted to thank Colonel Ganesan.Ganesan simply smiled and said that he has done no favour but set right a wrong move.The JCO can go and relax.

Demonstration of Officership-7

                               When Officers are commissioned they were imbibed with moral code of conduct.  

1.The safety ,Honour and Integrity of your country comes first alwaya and everytime.
2.The safety,Honour and Welfare of the men you command comes next always and everytime.
3.Your own safety and wefare comes last alwys and everytime.
           But in practice those boys who aspire to be Army Officers and get into competitive exams do not keep the above code of condut after their commission.Because thereafter,their promotion and wefare takes priority.Since promotions and postings in Army are based on confidence reports, their main aim would be self interest.But Officers like Colonel Ganesan who accidentally become Army Officers and learn every bit of Officership,truely follow the above code.
              So,Ganesan had put in his best to be physically,mentally,and professionally fit so that he does not become a liability to an organisation.When he took over as Battalion Commander of Training Battalion,his priority was to demonstrate officership to the future pillars of Army.He was once entrusted to conduct promotion examination for Army clerks fro NCOs to JCOs .The clerical cadre are those dealing with all official matters including confidential pappers.The examination was for south zone where about 400-500 NCOs were expected to take the exam
            The news that Colonel Ganesan is going to give two weeks training and then he himself is going to conduct the exam had spread on entire Southern Command.Knowing about Colonel Ganesan,many NCOs withdrew their name from appearing on exam.Only 115 came forwardto attend the class and take the exam.
            The Colonel who had put in about 25 years of service and seen the conduct of clerks had set the question paper.All practcal oriented and based on daily happenings.sample three questions are as under;
          1.You are the duty clerk at Headquartes.In the night at bout 12.00 hrs an "OP IMMEDIATE " message comes." The conference which commander has to attend, scheduled for next month is post poned".What will ou do ?
              Generally the Army trains the soldiers to do what they are told to do.But clerks are little educated and they should be trained to think and intelligent dicissions of the messages they receive.In this case most of them replied that they will direct the duty driver to take message to Commander.The catch here are a)time is 12.00,midnight.b)conference was sceduled for next mont..The message has to be brought to commander's notice.But not necessarily to disturb him at mid night.Though it is "OP IMMEDIATE " there is no urgency.All those who wrote of sending duty driver to commander's house have failed.
           2.The second question .Write shot note on Indian official secret act.
             All those dealing with confidential matters are subjected to Indian official secret act.Every officer,clerk and any other person who have access to confidential matters are expected to go through the Act and sign as a token of having understood.There are detailed notes in this act about offences and punishments.Every time officers and other ranks join in a new posting they have to sign this.
                         Though every one sign this,very few only would have gone through
            3.The third question 
                     You are the Duty clerk.The following message is received,"MEG football team won Southern Command football championship by defeating Artillery centre by three games to two." comment.
               Signals and telephone messages are firstly recorded as it comes,and then check the correctness.Because sometime the originator may make mistakes.In this message football championship won by three games to two.In Football the winner or looser is decided on "Goals " and not games.I will check with the originator for its correctness.
                  Similar types of practical and thought provoking questions were set by Ganesan and corrected by him.Only 15 percent passed.On direction fro Commandant Re-examination was held after explaining their mistakes.

 Demonstration of Officer ship -8.

                     The " Summery of Evidence ".

Readers may be aware that Ganesan was the first one to put on uniformin his family.His forefathers were agriculturists and with poor education.It may be surprising that eventhough his parents were illeterete,Ganesan and his brothers had brocken many educational records in schools and colleges.But still they were scared of Government officials and prefered to stay away.Under these circumstances Ganesan grew up to be physically outstanding and spiritually inclined.He had not developped any material interest .However,it was a miracle that he became a commissioned officer in the Army.
             It is obvious that he was not aware of the Officership of  Army and the way some of the Commanding officers behave like a dictator.At the same time officers who came from traditional Army background were behaving like loyal servants to Commanding officer drew hatred from Ganesan.Juniors paying respect to seniors in lawfull command is good.But behaving like a paid servent and obeying unlawfull command lowers the selfrespect and dignity of officership.
           Ganesan came on posting to Engineer Regiment after a long period with semi military organisation.He had come first in civil Engineering in the recently concluded Degree course.The commanding officer had posted him as a junior officer in a company commanded by an officer just three months senior while another officer who was one year junior was commanding a Field company.It was peace station.Many complaints had come that commanding officers taking leave but staying in the same station were unofficially commanding like firing from somebody else shoulder.So strict instructions were issued that commanding officers while on leave should not stay in the same startion
                   A similar situation happened.There was Regimental rising day dinner in officers mess.When Ganesan was getting ready,suddenly his wifes relatives landed without any information.Incidently Ganesan was just married.So he went to the officiating CO and requested him to excuse him from dinner.But the officiating CO ,told that even though the CO is on leave he is coming to Regiment and take  permission from him.Ganesan refused to disturb the CO who is on  leave.Ganesan did not attend dinner.After a few days the CO joined duty.The first thing the CO did after joing was to issue a show cause notice to Ganesan for not attending Regimental dinner.
                 Ganesan replied the circumstances and also mentioned the fact that he had informed the officiating CO.But still the CO ordered a "Summery of Evidence".His company commander who was three months senior to him recorded the S of E. After Ganesan was marched to the CO.The CO was furious on Adjutant as Ganesan was marched on normal working dress.However the CO felt that Ganesan should have been marched to Sub Area Commander for the serious offence committed by him and got him punished.It was his magnanimity that he is excusing Ganesan and warned to be carefull in future.
           Ganesan was the fittest person amongst officers,professionally very compitent,plays almost all games with troops.But he lacks socialising with others especially the CO.On an earlier occassion,while playing games in the evening ,the Adjutant gave Ganesan a cup board key and requested Ganesan to go to office and open the cupboard and sign Ganesan,s Annual confidential report.Ganesan went and opened the cupboard,To his surprise there was all officers confidential report there.Uot of curiosity,he saw his seniority offcers report.Ganesan was shocked that the CO is highly partial in exagerating some offcers while Ganesan's report was avarage. 
                   After about two year stay in the Regiment Ganesan was posted to M E G & Centre.At the same time Regiment was ordered to move to Leh.It was November.J &K will be very cold.The CO ordered Ganesan to fly to Leh and Join the Advance party.He will be releaved after the Regiment settles down in Leh.So Ganesan left his wife with her parents and flew to Leh.
           The Main body of the Regiment came to Leh in end December.It is obvious that Lack of  acclamatisation had caused many problem to the Regiment.Ganesan was ordered to take over 56 Field company and move to Kargil as affliated Field company of 121 Indep Bde Gp.After about a month in Kargil Ganesan was ordered to go Changla pass and be det Commander to keep Leh-Dharbog open during snow fall.It was fact that many officers were falling sick due to extreme and sudden cold exposure  and were being evacuated to Chandigarh.Fortunetely Ganesan was keeping fit and doing his duty.
             While snow clearing at Channgla another officer was terribly offected by frost bite and Ganesan took him to M H Leh and got him admitted.While relaxing in his tent,Ganesan was thinking about his MEG posting and present situation in the Regiment.Under the present condition,the CO may not be willing to releave him.At the same time the Adjutant came and told Ganesan that the CO is ordering him to go for another assaignment.Ganesan was furious.He flately refused the order.
                 After a few minutes, Office orderly came and informed Ganesan that the CO is calling him.Ther in the office Ganesan explained that he is morally breaking down because of his treatment as compared to other officers and requested the CO to releave him.Some heated argument took place.The CO shouted at him that he can leave the next day.The next day Ganesan was releaved.But unfotunetely the weather had packed up and there was no flight from Leh.
           In the mean time the CO wrote next year's confidential report and Ganesan was asked to sign.Ganesan simply walked onto CO'S office,turned the pages of the ACR and signed.The CO told Ganesan to gothrough the pen picture as he was doing good work.Ganesan replied that the A C R is what the CO 's  assessment of him.But Ganesan is confident of his capability and need not know from the CO.The CO felt some different attitude in Ganesan.At the same time Ganesan requested The CO's permissission  to say what he felt about the CO'S command.
              The CO felt that Ganesan is in different mood.Ganesan is an accidental military officer and learnt every bit of officership by blood and sweat and not inherited from family back ground.So he wanted to spel out about what he had experienced.In a cool voice Ganesan said,"sir,in my humble opinion,you are unfit to command the Regiment."The CO on hearing this was bubling with anger,and said,I can court martial and throw you out of the ARMY .Do you know that.Ganesan ,sir,Ican be a cooli at central station of Madras and earn my living.But my opinion is based on certain facts.Ganesan told few of the injustice done to him in the past two years.
              The CO cooled down and realised that Ganesan can not be taken lightly.He said,Ganesan ,Iam not God.I am an ordinery person with likes and dislikes.I liked some officers and gave an exageratedv ACR,but,I have not harmed you .Ganesan said that you have indirectly harmed me and hence dont want to serve under you.
            Ganesan left the Regiment with clear mind that he had poured out the pain that was in his heart.The Regiment had published back dated casualities giving benifit to Ganesan.But Ganesan did not look into that.


வியாழன், 3 அக்டோபர், 2024

                           Book Review

The Author-the book.An introduction.
Mr.C K Gopalakrishnan,B.E.
Chief Engineer,P W D (Red )
This book is a compilation of a single assignment experience of a highly patriotic and dedicated military officer who was physically strong and mentally robust.An event creates different impact on different people’s mind.Because people are not of the same caliber.Every human being comes with different socio,economic,educational back ground and different expectations in life.So their understanding and approach to a particular assignment is bound to be different.
A military officer was allotted land in the Madras metro politan Development scheme for construction of house in 1977 in the Annanagar Development scheme.He was somewhere in the western border of india.After a gap of 5 years the Tamilnadu Govt issued notices to all the allottees to immediately start construction or else the allotment would be cancelled. One fine morning a military officer came to me seeking procedures for house construction. And that was then Major P. Ganesan.(Now Colonel )
The very first introductory meeting itself was sufficient to understand this absolutely straight forward and upright officer.He was in PWD of Tamilnadu Govt early in 1961-63 and had very unpleasant experience in service. He threw the salary into the flowing river and had resigned his job.Fortunete for this country that he was reminded of the National Emergency in the country after the brutal Chinese attack and was persuaded by his superiors to join the Army.That was a turning point in his life.
Very active,fine sportsman playing all type of games and highly patriotic person getting into Army service was like a fish being led into deep sea. No doubt that he had demonstrated new dimensions to officership in the Army. His past experience and great love for this country led him to the selection as Station commander of Indian Antarctic Research station,Dakshingangotri.
From the day of selection in April-May 1987 till the day of departure from this country in November 1987,Ganesan had six months time to interact with earlier expedition members, go through old files,documents and to select and settle his family. With all these he was to hand over command of his beloved 4 Engineer Regiment. His preparation went on smoothly.and he had mentally lived in Atarctica before even boarding the ship.
Guidelines for Expedition Members.
Department of ocean Development,New Delhi under ministry of science and technology was co ordinating Indian Antarctic expeditions.National Institute of Oceanography,Goa was a base for all such activities.The Govt had prepared a hand book about programme of activities for the 7 th Antarctic Expedition and 5 th winter team. Ganesan was Dy Leader of 7 th Expedition and commander of 5 th winter team. The ship will sail from Goa and stay in Atarctica for about two months and leave the 5 th winter team in isolation and return with the 4 th winter team who would have finished their about 480 days of wintering.
The winter team selected will make sure that all their personal requirements are met and at the same time ensure stores and equipments are carried for completion of their programme.
Co ordination Meetings.
Number of co ordination meetings were held before departure of the expedition.The strength of winter and summer teams depends upon the task ahead .The strength of winter team will always be restricted to the accommodation available at wintering station.All these details are based on the feed back the department gets from Dakshingangotri. Unfortunately no leader was willing to bell the cat.The wintering stations was commissioned in Feb 1984 and since then year after year modifications,improvements or life saving alterations were carried out and this was not updated by the Derpartment.Ganesan was briefed and given direction all based on 1984 details only.
The Reality.
With all fanfare, farewell and Parting messages the 7 th Antarctic expeditin left Goa on 25 th Nov 1987.They reached Antarctic coast on 21 Dec1987.Ganesan had given detailed account of the sailing and activities in the ship.It is worth reading the philosophical quotes and great Indian literature quotes Ganesan uses at appropriate places.
When the ship captain announced the reaching of Atarctic coast Ganesan ran to the Bridgeboard of the ship and had the first look of the greatest mystery of the earth. 14.5 million sq km totally covered by ice without any landmarks. The next day Three members, the Expedition leader .Dy leader, and pilot of MI-4 Navy helicopter took off for Dakshin gangotri to greet the 4 th wintering Leader.
There Ganesan was shocked to see the reality.The authorities have fooled the members and the Nation by not exposing the real Antarctic conditions. The Station was fully buried in ice and a life saving escape shaft had been constructed for the members to go in and out. Ganesan Had an option to fight with the authorities. But then he will miss a great lifelong opportunity to demonstrate to all Indian members and to the world about “how to conduct an wintering at Antarctica “.So he made silent oath and promised to his own conscience that his wintering would open the eyes of all those involved in Antarctic Expeditions.
Colonel Pavadai Ganesan arrives at Antarctica.
History is nothing but collection of Yesterday’s events suitably weaved. Autobiographies may give the true picture of one’s own mind and its reactions to events and situations. Emotional feelings of an individual can best be recorded by himself only provided he had the intelligence and expressive capacity. However people of same frequency of mind can interact better. Throughout the book Ganesan had given wonderful messages from the angle of a citizen who whole heartedly loving this country and his fellow beings.
Expedition of a National mission cannot be taken like any other assignment. Firstly the authorities in charge of such missions should be highly dedicated for the improvement of this country and truthful to himself to deliver the goods. Promises made are to be fulfilled or deeply regretted if it could not be carried out. There cannot be any politics in full filling National mission. But unfortunately after independence politics entered in every walk of life. A highly patriotic Military officer can under no circumstances serve peacefully under a political leader who has no National ambition.
Ganesan’s wintering starts in an unusual circumstances. We all know that thoughts are dynamic and vital; It is creative and changes conditions.There are ample proofs in this book to show that.The 7 th Expedition leaves the continent without a Farewell meeting with the wintering members who are going to be in total isolation for the next one year or so. But the winter team welded with their leader to create history for the posterity.
Wintering activities.
On the day the winter team received message that the summer team leaving the continent without meeting them Ganesan holds a ‘”open mind” MEETING OF HIS WINTER TEAM ANG GIVES OUT HIS YEAR LONG EXPECTED PRORAMME.He gave in writing an assurance to all members that he will be totally dedicated to the safety,honour of all members.He assures that each member’s family will be taken care in india with his personal influence and contacts so that the members will be free to concentrate on their works.There is no wonder that one of the member from J&K who did not have even a telephone contact was in uncontrolled tears when he spoke to all his family members for 23 mts.More datails can be read in the book.
In all the 5 th winter team functioned like a well maintained machine without any disturbance.It is an excellent narrative in the book.
The milestones of 5 th winter team.
From the day of departure at Goa till they landed back on the same port after their wintering Ganesan has brought out excellent record of activities.The Engineer –in –Chief of the Indian Army Lt Gen P S Rai who selected him for the Antarctic mission had sent an official letter in appreciation of Ganesan’s work and mentioned that “your service to the Nation will go down in the annals of history and you have added another glorious feather to the Corps of Engineers “ .The 5 th winter team had conducted an International inspection of our station and got tremendous appreciation from the leader of the inspecting team Dr A N Chellingaro,Dy Chairman U S S R Committee of Hydrometerogy.
Ganesan also had done “Para Sailing “at Antarctica and became first man in the world to have done so.
Adventure activities about Antarctica had been going on since 1819 and many records have been created.There are many books in English.But This book will stand out as a testimony for the present day youth.It is worth keeping this book as Non detail to a main course.
I wish Colonel Ganesan long life and success.
Chennai-600 102 C K Gopalakrishnan.
(Mr.C K Gopalakrishnan is 1927 born graduate of Guindy Engineering college of 1947 batch.Professionally highly compitant Officer.when he was serving as chief Engineer ,P W D seleceted by the then Chief Minister M G Ramachandran as Managing Director of Pallavan Transport corporation.He retained this appointment for 9 years with an assurance from CM that No politicians should enter his office.)

சனி, 21 செப்டம்பர், 2024

                      Colonel Tornado-7.

               Readers may be aware that Pavadai Ganesan, a civil Engineer by profession was in P W D of Tamilnadu Govt as Junior Engineer in 1961 under Hon Chief Minister K.Kamaraj.Ganesan a very active young sportsman did not like life in PWD.Corruption was not only in public but also in Govt officials and rules were framed to entertain corruption.This is "Fence is eating the products " (வேலியே  பயிரை மேயும் விந்தையான சூழ்நிலை ). Ganesan threw his salary into the flowing river "Vettar " and resigned his job.The Nation was under Emergency after the brutal chineese attack in Oct -Nov 1962.Army was beeing expanded many folds.Govt of India had issued notification that one year service in Army will be counted as two years in civil service  and encouraged state and central Govt employees to serve in the Army as Emergency service Commissioned Officers.

                Ganesan's senior officer without forwarding the resignation letter,reminded him of the above situation and motivated him to join the Army.Ganesan was very much interested in Tamil litratures and warfare of great kings like Ashoka,Tamil chera,chozha,Pandias etc.Athiyamaan's "Battle of thagadoor " is a classic example of patriotism and display of soldierly qualities.The destiny opend the "Heavens door" and dragged Ganesan into it.

                     Ganesan was commissioned on 03 May 1964 with Atheletics blazer into the "Corps of Engineers" of the Army.The role of '"Officership in the Army" was unknown to Ganesan.But his honesty and integrity had guarded him.The 1965 war had strengthened his interest in soldiering.But unfortunetely he was posted out to Military Engineering Sevices in 1968 as "Asst Garrission Engineer".It was a project for Eastern Air Command.One of the project was running into Crores.Inspite of hectic efforts Ganesan's posting could not be cancelled.So Ganesan joined in Megalaya.

                     The first step Ganesan took was to have a joint inspection with the contractor to assess the actual situation of the project.It was a one crore contract and contactor had been paid 32 lakhs sofar.The joint inspection revealed that only 28 lakh worth work had boon done including materials at site,In a running cotract little over payment is not a crime.But Ganesan being new to the work,clearly told that this over payment will not be carried forward.If the contarctor produces 6 lakh worth works,he will get only 2 lakh payment after adjusting the over payment.

                "It appeared an Earthquake errupted in Megalaaya "

             Capt (at that time ) Ganesan stayeyd for two years there and not a single payment was made to the contractor.The Executive Engineer,Superintending Engineer,Chief Engineer were all in the station and they were all tearing Ganesan into pieces for progress.Ganesan stood like a rock that it is contract work and I am to supervise and check quality of the work.

                    During this struggle,the National Emergency was lifted and those officers who were on lien with state Govt were given option either to continue or revert back to parent Department.Ganesan wanted to continue.but then he has to undergo another Services Selection Board.The situation under which Ganesan was working can any one expect that he will be selected to continue.?In addition to performance at S S B,confidential report on the officer also will be taken into account towards the selection for permanent commission. 

                 "Miracles" does takes place.Ganesan was selected by S S B Allahabad.(Earlier it was S S B Bangalore ).But the authorities were taking revenge in different form against Ganesan.His mother was in death bed and he was refused leave citting progress of work.Ganesan did not beg.He took it along and in the evening went to mess and had one or two pegs of whisky.Holding the glass in hand he was thinking about his mother,Blood pressure shoot up and the grip tightened.suddenly the glass broke to pieces and blood started oozing out from  wrist.Nothing serious.after little bandage ,he had food and then went to sleep.

                                                               Ganesan's Mother

                    It might have been about 3.00 am.Ganesan was in deep sleep.but the door slowly opened and a lady was walking slowly.On hearing some disturbance Ganesan opened his eyes.He just could not believe that his mother was slowly walking towards him.He fully opened his eyes and shocked.Ma ! Ma ! How could you come over here ?Ganesan stretched his hands to hold his mother's hand.Suddenly he realised that he was sitting on the bed  with stretched hand.Oh ! My God ....It was a dream.But visit of his mother was real.She assured her protection to Ganesan.

                 With a disturbed mind Ganesan went to his office which was under top security zone of Air force.Then  he rangup to his HQ to find out any news.The Head clark stated that another telegramme had come for me. Ganesan requested him to open and read.The head clark expressed regret that Ganesan's mother had expired.

                      The Executive engineer felt guilty for refusing  leave to Ganesan and litrally begged him to go immediately.

                          Ganesan did fly from Megalaaya to chennai and then by road to Sannanallur.But unfortunetely Ganesan was handed over only Ashes of his Mother.His mother had expired on 25 Feb 1970.In 1971 war Ganesan had gone to Eastern Sector.There he got few Pakistani bullets.In one of the bullet he extracted the lead,filled with his mothers ash and made a golden chain.The chain is always with him.

                 The name "Tornado " somehow attached to him .But Ganesan is simple and straight forward.

                                 What do you feel about this ?

வியாழன், 19 செப்டம்பர், 2024

                                           இலையுதிர்  காலம்.

             மண்ணுலகில்  இருக்கும் சொர்க்கத்தை மக்கள் தெரிந்து கொள்வதுமில்லை,புரிந்துகொள்வதுமில்லை.இந்த மண்ணின் வளத்தை குறிஞ்சி,முல்லை,மருதம் ,நெய்தல் ,பாலை  என ஐந்து வகையாகப் பிரித்து  அவைகளுக்கான இலக்கணத்தை வகுத்து வாழ்ந்தனர் நம் முன்னோர்கள்.

குறிஞ்சி என்பது மலையும், மலை சார்ந்த இடமும் ஆகும். உதாரணமாக, ஊட்டி, கொடைக்கானல், குற்றாலம், ஏற்காடு போன்ற மலைப்பிரதேசங்கள் குறிஞ்சி நிலம் ஆகும். குறிஞ்சி நிலத்தில் வாழ்ந்த மக்கள் முருகனை வழிபட்டனர். இங்கு வாழ்ந்த மக்களைக் "குறவர்" என்று கூறுவர். இவர்களது தொழில் "தேன் எடுத்தல், கிழங்கு அகழ்தல்" ஆகியன. மலை நெல், தினை ஆகியன இவர்களின் உணவுகள். அகில், வேங்கை ஆகியவை குறிஞ்சி நிலத்தின் மரங்கள். குறிஞ்சி மலர், காந்தள் ஆகிய பூக்கள் இங்கே பூக்கும். கிளி, மயில், புலி, கரடி, சிங்கம் ஆகியவை இங்கு வசிக்கும் பறவைகள் & விலங்குகள் ஆகும்.

முல்லை என்பது காடும், காடு சார்ந்த இடமும் ஆகும். முல்லை நில மக்கள் வணங்கிய தெய்வம் திருமால் ஆவார். இங்கு வாழ்ந்த மக்களை "ஆயர்" என்று கூறுவர். இவர்களது தொழில் "ஏறுதழுவுதல், நிரை மேய்த்தல்" ஆகியன. அதாவது, ஏர் உழுதல், பசு மேய்த்தல் ஆகியன ஆகும். வரகு, சாமை ஆகியன இவர்களின் உணவுகள். கொன்றை, காயா ஆகியவை முல்லை நிலத்தில் வளரும் மரங்கள். முல்லை மலர், தோன்றி ஆகிய பூக்கள் இங்கே பூக்கும். காட்டுக் கோழி, மயில், முயல், மான், புலி ஆகியவை இங்கு வசிக்கும் பறவைகள் & விலங்குகள் ஆகும்.

மருதம் என்பது வயல், வயல் சார்ந்த இடமும் ஆகும். உதாரணமாக, தஞ்சாவூர் அருகே உள்ள வயல் சூழ்ந்த இடங்கள் மருதநிலம் ஆகும். மருதநில மக்கள் வணங்கிய தெய்வம் இந்திரன் ஆவார். இங்கு வாழ்ந்த மக்களை "உழவர்" என்று கூறுவர். இவர்களது தொழில் "நெல்லரிதல், களை பறித்தல்" ஆகியன. செந்நெல், வெண்னெல் ஆகியன இவர்களின் உணவுகள். காஞ்சி, மருதம் ஆகியவை மருதநிலத்தில் வளரும் மரங்கள். செங்கழுநீர், தாமரை ஆகிய பூக்கள் இங்கே பூக்கும். நாரை, நீர்க்கோழி, அன்னம், எருமை, நீர்நாய் ஆகியவை இங்கு வசிக்கும் பறவைகள் & விலங்குகள் ஆகும்.

நெய்தல் என்பது கடலும், கடல் சார்ந்த இடமும் ஆகும். உதாரணமாக, திருச்செந்தூர், நாகப்பட்டினம் ஆகிய ஊர்களை ஒட்டிய கடல் பகுதி நெய்தல் நிலம் ஆகும். நெய்தல் நில மக்கள் வணங்கிய தெய்வம் வருணன் ஆவார். இங்கு வாழ்ந்த மக்களை "பரதன்" என்று கூறுவர். இவர்களது தொழில் "மீன் பிடித்தல், உப்பு விளைவித்தல்" ஆகியன. மீன், உப்பு விற்று அதன் மூலம் கிடைத்த பொருள் இவர்களின் உணவு. புன்னை, ஞாழல் ஆகியவை நெய்தல் நிலத்தில் வளரும் மரங்கள். தாழை, நெய்தல் ஆகிய பூக்கள் இங்கே பூக்கும். கடற்காகம், முதலை, சுறா ஆகியவை இங்கு வசிக்கும் பறவைகள் & விலங்குகள் ஆகும்.

பாலை என்பது மணல், மணல் சார்ந்த இடமும் ஆகும். பாலை நில மக்கள் வணங்கிய தெய்வம் கொற்றவை (துர்கை அம்மன்). இங்கு வாழ்ந்த மக்களை "எயினர்" என்று கூறுவர். பாலை நிலத்தில் விவசாயம் எதுவும் செய்யமுடியாது. ஆகையால், "வழிப்பறி செய்தல்" மட்டுமே இங்கு வாழ்ந்த மக்களின் தொழில். சூறையாடலால் கிடைக்கும் பொருளை, இவர்கள் உணவாக உண்டனர். இலுப்பை, பாலை ஆகியவை பாலை நிலத்தில் வளரும் மரங்கள். குரவம், பாதிரி ஆகிய பூக்கள் இங்கே பூக்கும். வலிமை இழந்த யானை, புறா, பருந்து ஆகியவை இங்கு வசிக்கும் பறவைகள் & விலங்குகள் ஆகும்.


        இதற்கு மேலும் நமது கிராமங்களைப்பற்றி சொல்ல வேண்டுமா ? இப்படிப்பட்ட கிராமத்தில் பிறப்பது நமது தவப்பயன். 
இயற்கையோடு இயைந்து வாழ்ந்த மக்கள். 
                       இயற்கையோடு   இயைந்து வாழ்ந்த மக்கள் இனம் 84 லட்சம் யோனிபேதங்களடங்கிய  உயிரினங்களின்  தன்மையறிந்து இந பேதமின்றி வாழ்ந்து வந்தனர்.ஆறறிவு பெற்ற  மனிதன் ஐம்புலன்களின் ஈர்ப்பாலும்,ஞானேந்திரியங்கள்,கர்மேந்திரியங்கள் வளர்ச்சியாலும்  தானே வல்லவன் என்ற இறுமாப்படைந்து  கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாக இயற்கையை சிதைக்க  ஆரம்பித்தான்.அதன் விளைவாக இயற்கைப் பேரிடர்களாக  புயல்,பூகம்பம்,பெரு மழை,வெள்ளப்பெருக்கு என நிகழ ஆரம்பித்தன.

              தமிழர் பருவ காலங்கள் என்பது, பண்டைக்காலம் முதல் தமிழ்நாட்டில் வழக்கில் இருந்த பருவகாலப் பிரிவுகளைக் குறிக்கும். தமிழர்கள் ஓர் ஆண்டை கார்காலம், குளிர்காலம், ​முன்பனிக்காலம், பின்பனிக்காலம், இளவேனில்காலம், முதுவேனில்காலம் என ஆறு பருவங்களாக பிரித்தனர்.
  • கார்காலம்: இது தமிழ் மாதமான ஆடிஆவணி யை உள்ளடக்கியது.
  • குளிர்காலம்: இது தமிழ் மாதமான புரட்டாசிஐப்பசி யை உள்ளடக்கியது. இலைகள் கூம்பி உதிர்வது கூதிர் எனப்படும்.
  • முன்பனிக்காலம்: தமிழ் மாதமான கார்த்திகைமார்கழி யை உள்ளடக்கியது.
  • பின்பனிக்காலம்: இது தமிழ் மாதமான தைமாசி யை உள்ளடக்கியது.
  • இளவேனில்காலம்: இது தமிழ் மாதமான பங்குனிசித்திரை யை உள்ளடக்கியது.
  • முதுவேனில்காலம்: இது தமிழ் மாதமான வைகாசிஆனி யை உள்ளடக்கியது.

பண்டைத் தமிழ் மக்கள் மாறிமாறி வரும் பருவ காலங்களைக் காலத்தின் மாற்றங்களாக மட்டும் கருதாமல் மக்கள் வாழ்வியலுடனும், அவர்கள் வாழும் நிலத்துடனும் பிணைத்துப் பார்த்தார்கள். தமிழர் நிலப் பிரிவுகளான முல்லைகுறிஞ்சிமருதம்நெய்தல்பாலை போன்றவற்றுக்கு உரித்தான பருவகாலங்களைப் பற்றித் தொல்காப்பியம் பேசுகிறது. இதன்படி, முல்லை நிலத்துக்குக் கார் காலமும்; குறிஞ்சி நிலத்துக்குக் கூதிர் காலமும், முன்பனிக் காலமும்; மருதத்துக்கும், நெய்தலுக்கும் எல்லாப் பருவகாலங்களும், பாலை நிலத்துக்கு இளவேனில், முதுவேனில், முன்பனி ஆகிய காலங்களும் உரியவை.[1]


                    இலையுதிர்காலம் என்பது நான்கு மிதவெப்பநிலை நிலவும் பருவங்களில் ஒன்றாகும். கோடைகாலத்தில் இருந்து குளிர்காலத்திற்கு மாற்றம் நடைபெறுகையில் இலையுதிர்காலம் ஏற்படுகிறது. குறிப்பிடும்படியாக இரவு முன்கூட்டியே வந்தடையும் போது, வழக்கமாக மார்ச் மாதத்தில் அல்லது செப்டம்பரில் (வடகோளப்பகுதி) இலையுதிர்காலம் உண்டாகிறது.

             மனித  வாழ்க்கையிலும் இலையுதிர்காலம் உண்டு என்பதை நாம் புரிந்துகொள்ளவேண்டும். மனம்,புத்தி,,சித்தம் ,அஹங்காரம் என்ற அந்த    கரணங்களை நாம் செம்மையாக உபயோகப்படுத்தியிருந்தால்  இந்த இலையுதிர்காலம் நம்மை அதிகக் கஷ்டப்படுத்தாது.

                  வாழ்வின் இளமைப்பருவத்தில் ஏராளமான எதிர்பார்ப்புகளுடன் நாம் இருந்து முதுமையில் பின்னோக்கிப்பார்த்து வருத்தம் கொள்வதை விட மகிழ்ச்சி கொள்ளவேண்டும். ஏனெனில் எண்ணங்களுக்குத்தான் நாம் உரிமையாளர்களேயொழிய அதன் விளைவுகள் நமது கட்டுப்பாட்டில் இருப்பதில்லை.

                   ஆகையினால் வாருங்கள்,முதுமையை மகிழ்வோடு வரவேற்போம். திறமையை வளர்த்து,அதன் காரணமாக செல்வத்தை 

சேர்த்தவர்கள்,வறியவர்களுக்கு  வாரி வழங்குங்கள். 

              ஒரு நடுத்தர குடும்பத்தில் பிறந்து வளர்ந்திருந்தாலும் பொருள் சேர்க்கவேண்டும் என்ற பேராசை கணேசன் மனதில் எழவேயில்லை. அதற்க்கு மாறாக எனது வாழ்க்கைப் பாதயில் நடந்துபாருங்கள் என்று உலகுக்குச் சொல்வதுபோல் "அகத் தூண்டுதல் பூங்கா "அமைத்து உலக்கோரை அழைக்கிறார். 


உலகில் வேறு எங்குமே காணமுடியாத ,காலத்தை வென்று நிற்கும் நினைவாலயம்.. மனிதனின் திறமை அளவுகோளுக்கு அப்பாற்பட்டது என்பதை நிரூபிக்கும் இடம் . தென் துருவத்திலிருந்து ஏழு கடல் தாண்டி பதினைந்தாயிரம் கி. மீ. கடந்து திருவாரூர் மாவட்டம் சன்னாநல்லுர் கிராமத்தில் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.